Friday, May 1, 2009

US cyber-security 'embarrassing'


America's cyber-security has been described as "broken" by one industry expert and as "childlike" by another.

The criticism comes as President Obama prepares to release the results of a review he had ordered.

Tim Mather, chief strategist for security firm RSA, told BBC News: "The approach we have relied on for years has effectively run out of steam."

Alan Paller from security research firm SANS Institute said the government's cyber defences were "embarrassing".

The government review, which will outline a way forward, is expected to be opened up for public comment at the end of this month.

At the same time, President Obama is also expected to announce the appointment of a cyber-security tsar as part of the administration's commitment to make the issue a priority.

For many attending last week's RSA conference in San Francisco, the biggest security event of its kind, such focus is welcome.

"I think we are seeing a real breaking point in security with consumers, business and even government saying enough, no more. Let's rethink how we do this because the system is broken," said Mr Mather... MORE

1 comment:

  1. I think we can say that this is common problem among all nations as people want to hang on to old government contracts with old companies who offer obsolete equipment, services and technologies. People don't like to change. They will often continue doing the same thing over and over even if it harms them in every endeavor in life. It is our jobs as companies in future-thinking technology sector and other sectors to preach what works and to encourage change where needed. Peace to all countries. Peace to Earth.
