Sunday, June 30, 2024

I found this article in my inbox from 2008. It is strange we are still not learning from our previous mistakes and utilizing the resources to our advantages. Pakistan is full of all kind of resources, Alhumdolillah, but corruption and personal benefits and differences has left us nothing.


Wednesday, January 25, 2023

The Power of Obedience: How a Young Boy Found Love for Allah through Balancing Video Games and Religion


Ahmad was an average boy who loved to spend his free time playing video games. He had a collection of games that he would play for hours on end, often neglecting his daily prayers and other religious obligations. His mother noticed that Ahmad had become increasingly distant from his faith, and she was worried about him.

One day, while Ahmad was playing his favorite game, his mother came into his room and reminded him of the hadith "The love of Allah is attained through obedience to Allah." Ahmad stopped playing his game and thought about what his mother had said. He realized that he had been neglecting his religious duties and that his love for Allah had become weaker as a result.

Feeling guilty, Ahmad made a commitment to balance his time and prioritize his religious duties. He set a schedule for himself where he would spend an hour a day playing video games and the rest of the time focused on his religious obligations. He started to wake up early for Fajr prayers and make sure to pray all the prayers on time. Ahmad also started to read the Quran and do other religious activities.

As time passed, Ahmad found that as he became more obedient to Allah, his love for Allah grew stronger. He felt a sense of peace and contentment that he had never felt before. He began to find joy in performing small acts of worship and felt a deeper connection to Allah. Ahmad's mother was happy to see that her son had returned to his faith and that his love for Allah had grown.

Ahmad's experience showed him that the love of Allah is truly attained through obedience to Allah. He realized that by putting Allah first in his life, he had gained a sense of purpose and fulfillment that he had never found in his video games. From then on, Ahmad made sure to always prioritize his religious obligations and to always keep the love of Allah in his heart.

But why is it important to love Allah? Because Allah is the creator and sustainer of everything in the universe. He is the most merciful and compassionate. He is the one who has given us life and has provided us with everything we need. Loving Allah means recognizing his greatness and importance in our lives and striving to please him through our actions and obedience. It also brings peace, happiness and a sense of direction in life.

In addition, love for Allah also means to love his messenger, Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and to love for the sake of Allah. It also means to love for the sake of Allah those who are dear to Him, such as the righteous and the poor. The more one loves Allah, the more one's faith and imaan will increase and the more

Tuesday, August 2, 2022

US Drone Accidentally Shoot Down Pakistan Army Helicopter in Balochistan

 A Pakistani Army flood relief helicopter go missing from Lesbella, Balochistan on evening of Monday August the 1st, 2022.  Six officers, including Corps Commander Quetta, Lt. Gen. Sarfaraz Ali were reported Martyrdom.

Later, next morning DG ISPR confirmed that the wreckages were found in a small town near Lesbela namely Musa Goth in Windar. The Martyrdom was office confirmed for all officers.

Later a rumor originated by a twitter account name Caryn E. Gifford, supposedly a evel 2 Policy Advisor to US Ambassador to Pakistan, David Blome. To confirm the news, our team investigated the post.

The account mentioned in the post which was widely being spread over social media and whatsapp was created only few months back and had only 2 followers. Later it was probably deleted by twitter.

As per our investigation, the news is completely fake. However; we will be waiting for office news.


Sunday, March 6, 2022

What are NFT's

 Many are asking what NFT is and how we can earn from it. With my limited knowledge, I will try to explain in a layman language. Would love to have comments for corrections or improvements. 

NFT is a non-fungible token, which you may have heard of. In other words it a piece of non-interchangeable data stored in blockchain associated with digital file. An example of it could be Pictures, Audios or video. One can create NTF art or a video and host it with any reliable NTF platform. 

Making money with NFT could be selling copies or art, music or a clip. Even on can sell the ownership of it. However; they will remain the author of that NFT.

How to create a NFT - You can find any marketplace and mint your asset on one of these NFT marketplace. Few of them to name are Opensea, Rerible, Niftygateway and many others.

Monday, July 9, 2018

In-house vs. Outsource call center - Pros & Cons

Outsourced Call Center

BPOThis refers to a business model where resources are sought outside an organizational structure for the entire (or part of) call center functionality. In other words, it is a third-party engagement where the company outsources its call center requirement to another organization. Below are some of the pros and cons of an outsourced call center:


1. Cost-effectiveness:

One of the main reasons of outsourcing call center activities is cost benefit. As per data, businesses save up to 50% by outsourcing to offshore firms. Countries like India are preferred markets as the cost of labour and setting up a call center is relatively low.

2. Focus on Productivity:

Outsourcing the call center helps a business to concentrate on core activities such as sales, production and distribution. Non-core activities only result in additional responsibilities on the shoulders of employees, which not only hamper productivity but also loss of focus on their part.

3. Reduced Risk:

Outsourcing to a third-party BPO company implies engaging in a mutual risk sharing agreement. This provides some security to the outsourcer company and provides support in any challenging situation.

4. Trained Staff:

Outsourcing call center activities reduces the need to source a competent team or invest in its training. An expert call center outsourcing services company will have a talent pool of professionals who have the capability to understand business objectives and customer expectations and speak confidently as the voice of the brand.

5. Scalability:

When there is a spike in business volume, the size of the call center will need to be ramped up to ensure there is no interruption in customer service. Outsourcing to a leading call center service provider will enable a business to scale up its customer service requirement with ease, without additional investment in talent and technology internally.


1. Language Constraints:

Care needs to be taken to find an outsourcing partner whose language proficiency is compatible with that of the target customer segment. In case the agents are not well-trained, this could lead to miscommunication and ultimately, brand dilution.

2. Confidentiality Issues:

Businesses often have to share sensitive customer data with the outsourced firm. This at time exposes the business to high risk. Businesses thus have to regularly check that the process followed by the outsourced firm takes care of the confidential data of the customers and that data security certification standards are being followed.

3. Reduced Focus:

An external call center has many clients to be served. Thus, their focus might not entirely be on a single client or they might not show any strong loyalty towards any brand. This, at times, results in compromised quality of customer service.

4. Less Control:

Since an outsourced call center would be located in an offshore location, personal supervision becomes difficult. Identifying a partner with the right credentials, who provides transparency through technology tools and call center metrics, is paramount.

In house call centerIn-house Call Center

In this business model, the contact center is within the organization.


1. Personal Touch:

Most likely, an in-house call center would be dealing exclusively with a single brand, and the chances of dedicating appropriate attention to every customer may increase because of this. Agents can be trained to become trusted brand ambassadors.

2. Security:

Since there would not be any third-party involvement, risk of exposing client data is negligible. Also, customers are more confident when they think they are interacting with the direct representatives of the brand / company.

3. Flexibility:

An in-house call center is under direct supervision of the firm itself. So, in case any new business process needs to be introduced or if any announcements are to be made, these can take place with immediate effect. Also, it provides the firm the flexibility to make any amendments to their existing process without any major lag in implement time.


1. Cost:

In-house call center means taking care of every aspect of the contact center – from staff to infrastructure. A company has to bear a huge cost for all these, plus it has to have a huge contingency fund should there be any unforeseen challenges.

2. Maintenance:

Establishing a contact center is not the end of the game. Maintenance of all technology is required on an on-going basis. Periodic checks are needed to ensure that there are no technical disruptions, infrastructure is robust and staff strength is maintained. This translates into a considerable responsibility for business managers.

3. Compromised Productivity:

As stated earlier, businesses that need to execute non-core tasks often lack in-house efficiency as resources need to take additional responsibility.

4. Lack of Business Continuity:

An in-house contact center carries the risk of business interruption in case of any change in the internal or external environment. No matter the duration of this time lag, it could have a long-term impact on the quality of support delivered to customers.
The final call to opt for an in-house or outsourced call center ultimately depends on each business vision and mission. What is right for one firm might not be the case for others. Hence, the decision should be based on proper scrutiny. For an outsourced call center, a proper check for background, track record and procedures should be made, while for in-house call center, a proper feasibility check is a mandate. In either case, the key differentiator would be customer satisfaction; care should be taken to make these centers contemporary and relevant to present customer needs.
Original article was published on following link;

Click the link above to read complete article.

For more detail information discuss with one of SyncTech Solutions consultants.

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Sharia ruling regarding using pirated software

Lately I have been very puzzled about using the softwares I'm using, without actually purchasing licenses. It has become a normal practice for us to use pirated books and softwares. Windows, MS office and etc. Here is a question that first comes to mind, what other choice do I have? Well yes we do have choices, we can pay for the software license, since it's in someone's ownership or we go for alternate software  as there are 100's of free GPL licensed software available. You don't have to use Windows anymore, you can use Linux, there are GUI version, which are quite friendly, all you have to do is take some time out and learn it a little. Stilling is not the solution.....  
Article Link:
In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
As-salāmu ‘alaykum wa-rahmatullāhi wa-barakātuh.
Using pirated versions of the original software or programs is known as ‘copyright infringement’. In previous days, the concept of ownership was only confined to tangible items. However, recent technologies have proved that ownership may also take place in non-tangible items. The ownership of a non-tangible property is known as “intellectual property”.
The concept of “intellectual property” demands that the person who applied his mental skills and effort to invent a particular item should be the owner of its profit and benefits. Similarly, if a person has invented a formula or a software using his own skill should be the sole owner of it. No other person should have the right to reproduce it. Due to this reason, the law of copyright came about to protect the inventor from losing his benefits.
The ulamā have differed in their opinion regarding the permissibility of copyrights.
According to us, copyrights and intellectual property is a valid Sharī right. Therefore, the use of pirated software is not permissible. It is an infringement of a valid right.[1]

And Allah Ta’āla Knows Best
Mawlana Abdul Hannan Nizami
Student Darul Iftaa
Chicago, USA
Checked and Approved by,
Mufti Ebrahim Desai.

Thursday, December 11, 2014

SyncTech - A Web & Mobile software development company

I co-founded SyncTech Solutions along with my two friends Arsalan & Saeed in March 2011, with only investment of 3000 PKR equally distributed. Allhumdolillah, it's now worth 1000 time more than that. It started with the aim of providing software development for small project from 5000 pkr, however; since than I hardly remember getting anything more than 1 or 2 projects in that range. What our focus was to only work on our marketing till we get a good project and once we get them, we will turn our focus on to extra ordinary services and build trust, that is what we did. There are ups and downs and still long way to go, but eventually companies got to know us with a good name. Profit for us was always secondary. This is was paid us back. At that we surly had done things that we can recall as stupid acts, bud surly it was a learning curve and Allah had help us in all the time through.

It is now that we have experience team and partners. We are not only limited to software development but Enterprise communication system is our niche and in addition to these, we also providing consultancy for Data center solution, networking, ERP and customize solutions. For more information on our services visit

What I have realized is that, continues hardworking with dedication always payback. I'm quite relaxed, while most probably working much harder than people who are employed with other. Yes I have to work on my Time Management and proper visioning of myself and company. I have improved in that section but still have room for improvement, but with just a little improvement, I can see a very huge change in everything in my life.

I will encourage all youngsters and start-ups to plan and focus on being a entrepreneur, it's not an easy job but it's fun and returns higher pay back. I'm still on the lower end of the ladder, but not loosing hope and pray that I can carry on with this motivation not matter how much time it takes for the result that I'm aiming for. I all the readers to remember me in your dua's (prayers) that I keep up with this spirit and reach the my destination and hereafter.